
Declarative Wrapping (null/list)

Declarative Wrapping

The declarative wrapping plugin adds the pre-0.19 APIs of list: true | boolean[], nullable: boolean, and required: boolean on field & argument definitions.

To install, add the declarativeWrapping to the makeSchema.plugins array, along with any other plugins you'd like to include:

1import { makeSchema, declarativeWrappingPlugin } from 'nexus'
3const schema = makeSchema({
4 // ... types, etc,
5 plugins: [
6 // ... other plugins
7 declarativeWrappingPlugin(),
8 ],

You can now use the object style APIs on any args & field definitions.

1export const User = objectType({
2 name: 'User',
3 definition(t) {
4 t.string('someNullField', {
5 nullable: true,
6 })
7 t.string('someRequiredField', {
8 nullable: false,
9 resolve: () => 'Some Field',
10 })
11 t.string('someList', {
12 list: true,
13 resolve: () => [],
14 })
15 t.string('someListOfLists', {
16 list: [true, true],
17 args: {
18 int: intArg({ required: true }),
19 },
20 resolve: () => [],
21 })
22 },

If you have migrated to the new chaining / wrapping APIs and would like to disable the typings and make usage a a runtime error, add declarativeWrappingPlugin({ disable: true }).

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