Adoption Guides

Prisma Users

Hello Prisma User!

This guide is for you if you use @prisma/client on a project that does not use Nexus but are wondering if you should.

Nexus is a GraphQL schema library.

If you haven't already, you should read Welcome to Nexus.

This guide will show you the ways you can use Nexus with the Prisma toolkit.

Vanilla integration

As a Prisma user you can easily integrate Prisma into Nexus yourself, take a look at the with-prisma example


Vanilla works, but there's something better. The Nexus Prisma plugin (nexus-plugin-prisma). It levels up your experience, including:

  • Declarative APIs for projecting types from your Prisma schema onto your GraphQL Schema
  • Declarative APIs for creating mutations and queries (including automatically implemented resolvers!)

For more info checkout the Prisma plugin documentation.

Learning Path

  1. Read Welcome to Nexus
  2. Do The Nexus Tutorial
  3. If using the Prisma plugin (you should!) read Welcome to Nexus Prisma
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